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  • the sheet must be smaller than the media

  • it should be glued with the paper tape making a frame all around

  • the sheet should not be peeled off until the job  it is finished and dry

  1. To begin we prepare a sheet (a quarter of your rough drawing sheet is more than enough) glued to the support with paper-tape.

  2. Prepare the diluted blue color (prepare a good amount so you don't have to do it again in the course of work)

  3. Spread evenly across the paper and leave some white space for clouds only at the top of your sky.

  4. Let it dry 

  5. Paint a mountain just below the clouds and work your way to the bottom of the paper.

  6. Let it dry again.

  7. Paint the second mountain (move the top a little so that it does not coincide with the previous one)

  8. After letting it dry, proceed with the subsequent drafts.


11. Now let's paint the trunk: mix a small amount of yellow, a hint of red and blue. Mix the ingredients and try to get a brown you like. Remember to use it diluted.

​12. Paint from top to bottom following the shape of the trunk . 

To enrich the painting, you can add a little blue on one side of the trunk to accentuate the three-dimensionality

13. after drying well, proceed to paint the ground.

Also in this case it uses the same starting colors used so far . 

Create a green and start painting within one of the sections prepared for the ground, then add a little pure yellow to create a brighter area or some blue, to get a more shaded area. bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Proceed in the same way in the following areas, trying to distribute the colors so that you do not have the same color on one side only.

14. After drying, start painting the hair: paint within the spaces defined by the sign. Start with a color (always one of the three chosen or created by you by combining the same) ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

15. for a special result, you can moisten, with the brush dipped in clean water, the space where you need to paint and use small amounts of pure colors which, as you will see, will only spread inside the humid area. To get shades, clean the brush and put in a small amount of one of the other colors.

16. While this part dries, moisten a space not bordering the one you just painted, and continue, trying to arrange the colors in a balanced way.

NOTE: How to tell when the sheet is dry enough to work on it again

Since this technique requires the use of a lot of water, it is normal for the sheet (especially if it is not watercolor paper of good thickness) to swell. It is precisely for this reason that before starting to paint we have to glue it to the support with a frame of paper tape all around.

When the sheet dries, it returns to spread out. Also, by touching the sheet with your hand, you should feel it no longer wet and cold.

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It was created to systematize material collected or created specifically for lessons over the course of several years of teaching.

© 2022 by Silvia Casilli. Proudly created with

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