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In this section you will find activities that will be explained and done in class in English.

      The aim is that of enhancing the use of the English language in practical labs in which you are invited to suspend the use of your mother tongue and to use the English language in all the steps of the work. 

It is of primary importance that you do your best to use the English language even while chatting with your friends during the activity. 

Get to know me silhouette

       The goal of this activity is to create a self-portrait using sentences, words, and images that all together can describe oneself, obviously in a positive way.


- drawing paper

- paper sheets to take notes


- a hard pencil

- color pencils, felt pens or any kind of instrument you like

First of all, we need to do some brainstorming in order to collect ideas to describe ourselves from different point of view. You can use the questions listed below, but you can also add other questions

  1. Do you have a pet? If so, what?

  2.  What is your favorite color?

  3.  What is your favorite food?

  4.  What is your favorite musician/band?

  5. What is your favorite song?

  6.  What is your favorite TV Show?

  7.  What is your favorite movie?

  8.  What is your favorite book?

  9.  What do you do for a hobby?

  10.  What is your favorite subject in school?

  11. Who is your role model?

  12. If you could have any job, what would it be?

  13. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

  14.   If you had superpowers, what would they be?

  15. People like me because ...

  • Prepare a drawing paper and a pencil on your desk 

  • bend foreward your body and lay your head on the sheet;

  • trace the outline of your head using your pencil (you can follow the instruction in the video till the creation of the outline: please stop there, as we are going to make something different)

  • now let's take our sentences, lyrics, words and write them down along the outline of the head using a fine-point black marker

  • write them in italics, without spaces, creating a continuous frame

  • now you can write single words in capital letters inside the outline of the head and /or draw some elements connected to the ideas you obtained from your brainstorming such as favorite food, animals, etc.

  • You may color your silhouette however you like and with whatever supplies you have available (Sharpie, crayons, colored pencils, markers, watercolor, pastels, etc.). Please color inside the entire silhouette. Take your time, put in your absolute best effort and color neatly.

  • for the background, you must do something. You cannot just leave it totally blank. You may add color, you can draw some more images that represent you, you can draw outer space or a simple pattern, anything you want!

  • use brilliant colors and TRY YOUR BEST!

Here you have some examples of the results done following the original indications of the author of this activity, Mrs. Jessica Hamilton

The activity has been adapted in order to suit the objective of a CLIL lesson 

Now you should have a certain amount of sentences, words, lyrics, colors, images that should be enough to make a nice creative portrait of yourself. 

get to know me silhouette

Drawing after Michel Craig - Martin

CLIL  activity inspired by Miriam Paternoster's blog ArteaScuola

Michel Craig-Martin is a contemporary artist born in Dublin, Ireland in 1941, who spent most of his childhood in Washington D.C. Since 1966, he lives and works in London.

He is a conceptual artist and works with different media.

Here we particularly look at his paintings of ordinary objects, by means of which he wants people to look at these thinks from a different perspective. In the video he speaks about the 'shock of the familiar'- objects that are part of our ordinary life transformed into artistic subjects may lead us to consider them differently.

In the first part of the CLIL activity we will focus on the vocabulaty 

Practical activity

We are going to create a drowing insired by the artist Michael Craig-Martin using the art supplies we usually use in our art room. We will work on the topics of still-life, representation and composition.

Step by step activity:

  • Fix the photocopies to the window pan with some tape, leaving some space between one another.

  •  Observe that the objects have different proportions. You can mix together smaller and bigger objecs as you like.

  • Overlap your drawing paper to one object depicted on the photocopies and trace it with a pencil.

  • Choose another object and trace it on your sheet. Pay attention to the position you choose: is all the object visible or is it partially hidden?

  • You can moove from one photocopy to another.

  • You can turn your sheet as you like in order to create your composition.

  • When you have finished to create your composition, sit at your desk and erase unnecessary lines

  • Draw the necessary outlines with a black permanent marker.

  • Colour just some areas of your drawing with felt-tip pens in solid colours in the sryle of Michael Craig-Martin

  • Colour the background with a solid colour. 

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Si invitano gli studenti, che volessero comunque esprimere considerazioni o suggerimenti in merito ai contenuti del sito, a contattarmi direttamente a scuola o attraverso i riferimenti istituzionali protetti loro comunicati. 

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